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Wednesday / October 16
HomeMarine Protected AreasConserving Our Oceans: One Place at a Time

Conserving Our Oceans: One Place at a Time

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are proven tools for
conserving habitats, biodiversity and ecosystems.
And effective protection has never been so greatly
needed. Marine life is threatened by habitat loss,
water quality, fishing impacts, climate change and other human
impacts. In the U.S., MPAs have been part of the conservation
landscape for decades, including marine and coastal national
parks, national marine sanctuaries, national wildlife refuges,
and similar areas managed by states and tribes.
Well designed and managed MPA
networks multiply conservation benefits
by linking individual areas ecologically,
connecting diverse habitats, and providing
protection to species that use different
habitats at different stages of their lives.
Following California’s example of an integrated
MPA network of ecologically linked
sites, many other MPA programs are
increasingly recognizing the value of designed
MPA networks, including reaching
beyond our national borders to establish
sister parks with international partners.
This document summarizes information
on MPAs in U.S. waters, focusing on sites
established specifically to protect biodiversity,
ecosystems and cultural heritage.
Reflecting the IUCN definition of MPAs
that is used by most countries, this focus
allows meaningful comparisons at national
and regional scales.



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